The Wind Turbines of West Texas

It was another long drive through the hot roads of West Texas. The rain fell heavily on the parched earth a few days ago but the wind was already whipping up the sun devils and allergens. Air quality was poor and it was hard working on breathing.

The popularity of alternate energy source had the turbines sprouting on both sides of the road over the years. There was certainly enough wind blowing around to drive the blades of these giant structures. We watched the turbines as we were driving by. We watched the blades making its big lazy turns. Our curiosity got the better of us and we did a quick detour to a side road for a closer view. We were driving as far as we could but the paved road ended. We stopped short of getting the vehicle bogged down by the soft and dusty road. We couldn’t get any closer and all we could do was gaze at the giant turning wind blades from a distance.

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