The Mark Twain Home

The home that Samuel Clemens, popularly known as Mark Twain, built for his family. It is now a museum showcasing the way of life of Samuel Clemens. The house was built in the affluent neighborhood of Hartford, Connecticut back in the days. In this house, the Clemens family lived and entertained their guests. It was noted to be the happiest and most productive years of Samuel Clemens life.

The Mark Twain House
The Mark Twain House, Hartford, Connecticut

We did a walking guided tour of the house to learn more about Mark Twain. This was one of our last stops in New England after starting it with autumn leaf peeping. A looping video clip in a small viewing room gave us a gist of the tour while we waited. Our tour guide met us promptly at the designated time and eloquently described what we were about to see in the house. He further explained the decorum expected from guests of the house. The walking tour through the three levels of the house was very informative and added to the perspective of the life of Samuel Clemens.

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