Hiking Barton Creek Greenbelt Trail

Sculpture falls is within the Barton Creek Greenbelt Trail. The trail itself is 3.7 miles long and is a popular destination for hiking. We were in Austin, Texas for our spring break and one of the planned activities was to hike a nearby trail. The popularity, good reviews, and the length of the trail made it an easy choice. Besides, the target was to reach Sculpture falls and check it out.

The sculptured rocks at Sculpture falls
The sculptured rocks

Navigating the Barton Creek Greenbelt Trail was easy enough and I felt that it was easier than the trails at DeGray State park and Caddo Bend trail. There was much foot traffic along the trail. The scenery and the number of elevation rise readily made up for the distraction and kept attention focused on the trail.

The rest stop of the trail
Resting by the trail

It was a big mistake in the past to try to keep up with the younger ones. We gently reminded our energetic hike leader to slow down for the older ones but his energy simply was too much for him to remember. We just allowed the younger ones to keep their pace and we concentrated on maintaining our own pace.

The rock formation by the trail
What better place to rest than by the rock formations

There were sightseers, waders, sunbathers, and swimmers when we got to Sculpture falls. The dogs roamed and frolicked unleashed on the water. One dog took to the water like a natural while the other dog froze upon stepping on the creek’s water for the first time.

Dog playground at the Barton creek
Not a water dog but the water’s fine

We wiped the hiking sweat off our brows when we got to the falls. We nourished, hydrated, and allowed our bodies to regain its energy before heading back to the trail head.

Barton creek and trail
Sculpture falls

One comment

  1. Looks like a great place to hike with my basenji dog Fanny. Thank you for sharing, nice pictures too.

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