Celebrating Christmas and the new year with Covid19

Celebrating Christmas and the new year was somber for our family. Covid19 struck our household and put everything on hold. All plans were scuttled and, out of respect for everybody else, we stayed at home to celebrate.

Historically, Christmas and the New Year were big celebrations since it always signified rebirth and renewal. For the past several years, we had gathered and celebrated with our extended family. We had seen each other grow older and marked milestones in our lives. We had watched the children grow and become adults.

The hands that prepared the food

This year, though somber, also sparked a magical moment. We couldn’t join our extended family but our nuclear family didn’t allow Covid19 to stop the celebration. The isolation kept us together. In isolation, we celebrated together. Though isolated, we connected and celebrated with others through technology.

All hands gathered together and helped prepare for the celebration. The food was laid on the table. All gathered round and prayers of gratitude were spoken. We celebrated.