My road to health: lifestyle modification

I have always thought that we were trained since birth to eat and eat some more.  We were growing up and developing and it was a natural course of action to keep up with the growth and development.  Health is measured through achievement of growth and development goals.  We get used to the experience of eating and, at some point in our lives, we actually seek the experience more than what is needed.

fried chicken without oil
fried chicken without oil

Good food is always a pleasurable experience.  It satisfies a basic human need.  For a lot of people though, the desire for delicious food has become not only a basic human need but also a social event taken to excess.

food variety
food variety

Heart disease, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is the number one cause of death in  the USA followed by cancer.  Worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) lists Ischemic Heart Disease as the number one cause of death.

The cause of heart comes from multiple factors and our diet contributes significantly to the development of heart disease.  The Mayo Clinic provides an easy-to-understand overview of heart disease.  It mentions atherosclerosis, which can be caused by correctable problems, as the most common cause of cardiovascular disease.

yellow mango
yellow mango

The correctable problems include having an unhealthy eating habit and being overweight.


Lifestyle modification has been cited several times as the first step toward the road to health.  Diet, exercise, and weight loss are key to correct the unhealthy habits that we have developed through the years.  Countless medical articles discuss the importance of lifestyle modification and yet we fail to capitalize on this knowledge.

pork and chicken
pork and chicken

My road to a healthy lifestyle modification will start with careful food preparation (no contaminants, lean meat, fresh produce) and healthy cooking (no oil/added oil, no contaminant cooking ware, less spice/natural spice only).

Tell me about your journey to a healthy lifestyle. 

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