Food prepping and cooking day

Today is food prepping and cooking day. It is not all the time that we get the whole weekend off. Whenever we do, we try to prep and cook for the whole week ahead.

House cleaning and laundry are definitely in the list of things to do. In fact, we even find ourselves doing this in the middle of the week. The house cleaning is the more thorough cleaning rather than the pick-up-and-tidy-up type of cleaning.

Food prepping and cooking are definitely more exciting. It fills the house with aroma of cooking food and a nice meal comes when all is done.

Food prepping and cooking
Fried chicken

My better half is the master of the kitchen. I stay out of the way whenever she is doing her thing. The best that I can do is wash the pots and pans afterwards.

Today, I asked her if I can take photographs of her dishes. She graciously prepared the dishes for me.

Food prepping and cooking
Chicken adobo with pickled papaya and carrots

Chicken adobo with pickled papaya and carrots is a favorite. The pickled papaya and carrots was home made by our good friend, Carlota.

Food prepping and cooking
Beef Kare kare

Beef kare kare competes with chicken adobo as a favorite. Nobody complains if you get any of these two recipes.

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