
I didn’t expect to see a Flamingo one cold, windy Saturday. The plan for the weekend was to go to the Dallas zoo and watch the animals. We woke up and saw the overcast sky and felt the biting, cold wind.

Orange plumage of a Flamingo

This weekend, due to the overcast sky and cold wind, we decided to go to the Dallas World Aquarium. Coupons and discount cards are good but we did not have one for this place. Still, the granddaughter has to go see someplace new this weekend hence we go.

Long legs and neck

We arrived to a full parking lot. Luckily, we arrived to a parking spot just as its occupant was about to leave. To top it, he handed us his paid parking stub since they didn’t want to stay anymore. It seems the day may not be as dreary after all!

The ticket line outside snaked three times just as we joined the end. Lady luck may have been watching over us since the line progressed like a slow walk and we didn’t have to deal with short tempers. Amusingly, the conversation overheard along the line was how most were at the zoo and had to cut short their visit due to the cold weather.

The flamingos were the surprise at the end of the tortuous tour. The vivid orange color of their plumage was a sharp contrast to the drab color of the aquarium water. Even the presence of the immense sawfish swimming overhead while you walk through the water tunnel was overshadowed.

Flamingos perched on a rock

The visit lasted approximately two hours and we left contented that it was a fun tour inside the Dallas World Aquarium.

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