COVID19 – trending worship norm

Worship day will never be the same if the trending worship norm becomes the new norm. I just attended my first online Sunday mass because of the COVID19 stay at home advisory. It felt weird, being a new experience, and even the choir felt the same way. The Deacon made the celebration a spiritual experience because of the physical absence of the faithful.

Worship day online
The Priest and Deacon in front of empty pews.

I have always equated going to church as a day when Sunday clothes are worn and seated at the pews before the services started. Today, the only semblance was that I made it a point to be online before the start of services. I sat next to my wife, in our house clothes, in our living room. The dogs were by our feet.

Worship day online.
The celebration is a spiritual experience in the physical absence of worshippers.

There were subtitles as the liturgy was being read. I liked it. It made me focus more and not be distracted by each tiny noise and shadow. I felt detached though singing the hymns. There was no chorus of voices singing and it was difficult to keep up with the hymn.

Worship day online.
Consecration of the wine – the blood of Christ.

I still felt that the consecration was the highlight of the service. It’s even felt more meaningful because of the visual effect of the camera close up.

Worship day online
Consecration of the host – the body of Christ.

COVID19 certainly has changed a lot of things. People interaction, church services, school attendance, and healthcare – just to name a few. I still do hope that all these will be temporary and we will be soon be back to the way it used to be.

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